Friday, January 11, 2008

Helium stocks to be depleted in 8-20 years.

I heard on the radio last week that we are currently running out of Helium at a quite alarming rate and within 8-20 years it will all be gone. Now initially you might not think this is very important and we can probably survive without floating balloons. That is exactly what I thought but then found out helium is used all over the shops from Deep Sea diving to MRI scans to numourous scientific experiements. In fact I was a little shocked at the way we are currently wasting such a limited resource.

this proves all:

This article explains why Helium is running out

may explain something which I found a bit confusing today e.g. why is helium becoming scarce, well the quote below explains it

“Helium is the second most abundant element in the universe but it is so light and fast-moving that it's able to escape from the Earth's pull of gravity and leaks away. Instead, the chief source of helium is from natural gas where the element is trapped by the rock surrounding the deposit.”

E.g its so light it escapes the Earths pull of gravity and would thus explain why it isn’t regenerating perhaps. Also it’s a natural gas trapped by the rock surrounding the deposit, which is how we can currently harvest it (or how ever we get it)

I also found this article

So get hoarding balloons etc because the will be very valuable in 10/20 years time and the squeaky voice trick will really be impressive.

Funny comedy podcast - Hosks Half Hour

stop worrying about helium and try listening to my new comedy podcast for 30 minutes of twisted fun it has stand up, funny sketches, amusing news and lots more

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