Monday, December 01, 2008

Hosks Half Hour - the laughing episode

Episode 52 of Hosks Half Hour the funny podcast for comedy lovers everywhere

So in this weeks podcast we have lots of clips of people trying to do something serious like read the news and then laughing and then not being able to stop laughing

Hosk Stories
etc tomatos in my sandwich
Hosk falls asleep whilst watching Rocky six

Hosk Standup
Hosk interview Hosk over penis talk
cybersex the worst of all the versions of sex

Hosk odds and sods
gummi bears
clare distored singing
muffin top
feckingham way

News Nuggets
fat bread
woolworths is closing
the terror attacks in india
moustaches are making a comeback!

Laughing clips
Legover - cricket commentators
Charlotte Green Today Show March 28 2008
news women cant speak without laughing
The Hosk laughing
boggy marsh
News reporter gets a laughing attack

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