Monday, October 08, 2007



I havent heard much of the Hoff recently so I thought I would have a look at a good uplifting Hasslehoff song to show that he is still a legend

Hooked on a feeling

Secret agent man

This is brilliant, its like a hasslehoff meets Jason and the Argonauts and then think of the scene with the fighting skeletons

Its quite fitting that Hasslehoff was in a space film called – Star Crash

Here is a trailer, this is two years after stars was released, its basically a really bad rip off. Exquisite viewing

the most powerful weapon in the galaxy

starcrash – akton versus thor

how the hell can you miss hasslehoffs massive barnet

akton versus some golums

I felt duty bound to look up Starcrash on imdb

it has one of the best reviews of a film I have ever read

When I first saw this film, back in 1979, my wife & I were 2 of 5 people in the theater at 7:00 on a Friday night. We were about to walk out when Carolyn Munro was sentenced to mine Radium in a bikini for the rest of her natural life. At that point, there was no way to get me out of there.

The remarkable thing about this movie is that every time you think "that is the most ridiculous plot device ever..." something else comes along that blows your socks off. About mid way thru I could not quit laughing. For instance, our heroine sets a ship on collision course with the Evil Count's space fortress. To save herself, at the last second before the catacylismic collision, SHE JUMPS OUT OF THE WINDOW! And then does the BREAST STROKE! through OUTER SPACE! Oh My God! I can't stop laughing!

If you thought all the above was funny then you should check out my new podcast, it so funny that you might wet yourself. It has me saying Ginger Merkin, the fantastic developers developers developers audio clip with background music from me. It has standup and lots more. Check it out its funny

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