Monday, July 31, 2006

The BBC tribe show is fantastic

I watched the Tribe last night. The basic premise of the show is one English chap goes and joins various tribes in Ethiopia and around that region. To join a tribe for a week he has to usually undertake some kind o initiation.

Yesterdays he was joining the tribe of Dassanech, Omo Valley,Ethiopia. Most of the tribe are herders but there are some of them go and hunt crocodiles in shallow water armed with only a home made harpoon.

It was a fascinating program and I'm glad to say he website to accompany it is also pretty good and has 3 full episodes and some interviews along with lots of other information about the tribes he has stayed with.

The only downside is that I watched the last of the series but hopefully it will be repeated so I will be able to watch them all.

It was quite heart warming to see how generous and heart warming the people from the tribe where, especially the mum figure. Although they were very poor and hardly had anything they were always keen to look after Bruce (the presenter). Bruce said that he was amazed by the generosity of the these poor people and it seems stranger that people in the western world are becoming the opposite of that. Perhaps it may be something to do with possessions and money, everyone seems to be very concerned with wealth in England, I attribute the violence and aggressive hostile attitude to this, people wanted more wealth like they see on TV all the time. I don't really know and I'm talking shit here but it was fascinating watching the generosity of a small very poor tribe and comparing to England.

In the tribe they also have female circumcision, where they chop off the woman's clit, holy moly what's that all about. According to the episode it's a big part of the Ethiopians culture, I can't really imagine what it does, what's the point but Bruce wasn't keen on it either.

The other interesting bit about the show is Bruce gets stuck in trying the food, helping/hindering in the croc hunts/fetching water (3 mile trek). The leave in the subtitles and you can hear the children and others saying, look he's getting the water himself, look he is eating the crocodile just like we do hhahahaa.

It must be very odd if someone totally alien came into your work/town and leaved with you for a bit, perhaps an alien will come down and live with us for a week.

here's the link to the BBC site

go check it out

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