Thursday, August 17, 2006

Snakes on a plane

ohh man how much do I want to see this film

I am a big fan of cheesy horror films like Wasp Woman, attack of the killer shrews , boggy creak.

This sounds like something similar. The plot is pure genius, an assassin has to kill someone on a plan so he drops a crate of killer snakes onto the plane. I think the film also deals with people who scared of flying, small spaces and snakes.

I just love saying

Snakes on a plane

Also the king of cool Samuel L Jackson is in it but unfortunately he doesn't say "in France they call them Le Snakes on a plane"

I am in the process of trying to convince my girlfriend that it would be good fun to go and watch the film to which the cheeky minx replied, you never want to see my films and you say they are naff and rubbish. Yes my dear but your horrible films are naff and rubbish in a worse way, they don't know it and they are being serious. My girlfriend once made me watch coyote ugly, what a cheesy film, that is bordering on funny because it is so rubbish.

if anyone has seen Snakes on a plane please leave a comment to tell me what you thought of it.

imdb hasn't got anything, apart from one bloke who's review is quite amusing but I'm not sure if he knows it.

my favorite bit of the review is this

"Plot is pretty thin, something generic about a kid (Nathan Phillips) who witnessed a mob murder and has to be transported to L.A. to testify in court, but I doubt anyone will mind. We know the basic story. There is a plane in the air that has both venomous snakes and Samuel L. Jackson on board. Samuel L. Jackson defeat snakes in a number of thoroughly awesome ways, which I will not reveal as to not diminish their awesomeness, and simultaneously deals with whiny, stereotypical frightened passengers. Trust me though, seeing the snakes rampaging through the plane and wreaking havoc on said stereotypical passengers is indeed sweet."

I will not reveal as to not diminish their awesomeness. Come on guys and girls any review which has that in it must be one bloody good film.

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