The show started off with a humorous nod towards Morecombe and Wise's popular musical sketch The Breakfast sketch where they make breakfast to a song but instead of two old Men we had Kevin and a women dressed up as Pete Doherty and Kate Moss snorting coke and doing drugs to the music. This certainly got my interest although I wondered how many people would get the joke but then thought it didn't really matter if people were seeing it for the first time.
The show moved at a tremendous pace, some sketches lasting a mere 10 seconds. I will say that I was very impressed with the show and laughed a lot, I particularly liked the American version of the Last of the Summer Wine (complete with bath rolling down hill parody). There were so many nice little touches like Perfume from Jade Goody titled Idiot; it appears 5 seconds later it's gone and onto another sketch. The benefit of fast pace is any sketch which isn't that good (and there wasn't many of them) was gone before you had time to get annoyed with it. My one criticism is that Amy Winehouse and Pete Doherty type people appeared a few times and I didn't find those sketches that funny.
Overall the show included 42 sketches in 23 minutes and some times you did wonder if the show could keep it going just for the pilot let alone a full series. For those of you who missed the pilot, fear not because Channel 4 ordered a whole series before it had even been aired to the public.
Kevin Bishops brings many of his impressionist skills to this sketch show and it is noticeable how few supporting actors there are (1 girl and 2 blokes maybe) because it is mostly Kevin doing impressions. Do not get the wrong idea though and think it is another comedy show just about doing a good impression accompanied with a weak joke. The impressions enhance the funny sketches rather than dominate them.
I am looking forward to the proper series and am amazed at the number of sketches featured in the show, it makes the fast show looked snail paced in comparison. I have a slight fear if he will be able to keep the quality of the sketches so high if he has to do 6 episodes but I am more than happy to tune in to see if Kevin can do it.
Its quality fast paced comedy that doesn't give you time to catch your breath.
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