my mate thought "Kumbaya My Lord" was "Combine harvester"
real lyrics
“water of life, Jesus gave us the water of live” was
misheard as
“Rupert, Rupert of life, Jesus gave us the Rupert of life”
But then I did like Rupert the Bear at the time and this may have influenced my thinking.
My favourite misheard words was by me again
real lyrics
“I am the lord of the Dance said he”
misheard as
“I am the lord of the Dance settee”
Here are some others below Taken from this site - if you want some more
Smash Mouth: All Star
The real lyrics were:
She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb
in the shape of an "L" on her forehead.
But I misheard them as:
She was looking kinda dumb with her finger in her bum
and the shape of a elf on her forehead.
Robert Palmer: Addicted To Love
The real lyrics were:
Might as well face it, you're addicted to love.
But I misheard them as:
Might as well face it, you're a dick with a glove.
Bryan Adams: Summer Of '69
The real lyrics were:
Got my first real six string,
bought it at the five-and-dime.
Played it till my fingers bled.
It was the summer of 69.
But I misheard them as:
Got my first real sex dream,
I was 5 at the time.
Played it till my fingers bled.
It was the summer of 69.
R.E.M.: Losing My Religion
The real lyrics were:
That's me in the corner,
That's me in the spotlight.
But I misheard them as:
Let's pee in the corner,
Let's pee in the spotlight.
Bob Dylan: Blowin' In The Wind
The real lyrics were:
The answer, my friend,
is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
But I misheard them as:
The ants are my friends,
they're blowin' in the wind
The ants are a-blowin' in the wind.
Ray Jr. Parker: Ghostbusters
The real lyrics were:
Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters!
But I misheard them as:
Who ya gonna call? Those bastards!
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