Sunday, November 05, 2006

George Foreman did not invent his Grill shocker

I read this today in article and I am bloody shocked. I was always happened to believe that George had invented the but it wasn't him at all!! A company just paid him for his name, can't you believe that. I found it out the truth in this article

Here is a shocking quote
In 1999, an unknown grill-making company named Salton purchased the rights to use Foreman's name for $127.5 million in cash and $10 million in stock At the height of the marketing campaign for the George Foreman Grill, Foreman received a reported $4.5 million in monthly payments.

What a con, it's the biggest trick of recent times, surpassing anything done by eye on hand man David Blaine. The article also states
He went from being a taciturn and intimidating boxer to a gregarious salesman who has sold more than 60 million George Foreman Grills
That's no pride in that George, no one likes salesman god dammit because they are always trying to sell us crap we don't want. That was what made George different I thought he was selling his new wicked grill he had invented.

salesman, conman more like it. I still like the George Foreman grill and will continue to cook all my meat in it but I am just shocked and not so impressed with George anymore :-)

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