Friday, November 03, 2006

top 25 games ever

I read this blog entry from my buddy "The Biscuit" at work and it's an interesting topic to list the best games you have played ever. It's a bit like listing the best music, it changes from year to year

here is the link

here are the top 11, it would have been top 10 but speedball 2 was 11

1. Age of empires 2 - PC 99%
2. Grand theft auto series (1,2,3,LC,VC,SA) - PS1/PS2 98%
3. Senisble soccer - Amiga 98%
4. ISS Pro Evolution Soccer (1,2,3,4,5,6) - PS1/PS2 98%
5. Tekken (1,2,3,4,5 & Tag) - PS1/PS2 97%
6. Target renegade - Spectrum 128k 96%
7. Mario kart - SNES 96%
8. Turrican 2 - Amiga 95%
9. Shadow run - SNES 89%
10. Golden eye - N64 88%
11. Speedball 2 - Amiga 87%

personally I Kick off 2 was a great game as was speedball 2. GoldenEye was fantastic at Uni playing with my buddies as was ISS pro. I would also maybe put Civilization up there, probably ahead of Age Of Empires. Really Age of Empires was a copy of Sim City but with some fighting and maybe warcraft, although I don't which came first. There was Populas before that.

It's a bit hard to judge these games because they all built on top of other games and without those previous games the others wouldn't exist.

Still I would probably plump for civilisation.

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