Friday, November 03, 2006

Saw 3 film review - The cut off point for the saw franchise

I think the end of the innovative Saw franchise is coming to a grinding halt. This film definitely has the feeling of one last gasp, cashing in on the success of the first two movies.

Without spoiling any of the plot the film does wrap up all the previous two films with explanations of how it all started and how the people in the previous films finished up. Saw 3 is basically split up into two distinct parts, one part tidies up any questions of how Jigsaw became the man he is today and talks about the other people he has tested.

The other half of the film is the new plot with the people being tested and the whys, hows and who's involved with it. I think the problem I had with this film is that I have now become familiar with the Saw idea and where as in the previous films you were shocked at what happened in this film I am expecting it. This also seems to dull the fantastic torture scenes and ingenious contraptions, in a similar way to James Bond whipping out a new toy to save the day, with Saw 3 you are only mildly curious to the challenge he has set the victim.

I also felt the main plot in this film was a bit boring, I just wasn't interested in what happened to the main person and he wasn't really someone I had any sympathy for.

That being said I am only criticising this film on the high standards set by the two previous films and this film was still very enjoyable and inventive compared to the other releases this week/year. Saw fans will like the film but it would probably have more of an impact to someone who hasn't watched any of the previous saw films.

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Anonymous said...

I don't think the ending was more obvious because we are expecting it, to me it just felt that they were not able to write as creative as a twist as the first two. In the others you were fed clues to lead you one way the entire time, then given a completely different answer. With this they didn't really seem to do that, they just kind of tried to leave you in the dark and then surprise you with the end but it didn't quite work out as well. All in all a good movie though. Just as you said, in comparison to the first two its lacking a bit.

The Hosk said...

I think you are right, there was less surprise in this film but you knew there was obviously going to be a twist in the end, which when it came was quite good, if not totally unexpected.

I think they could have made this film as good as the previous films but it felt as if they rushed it a little to get it out for Halloween.

It's still a good film when compared to other films but not as good as the previous two Saw films which were two of my favourite films of recent times and something different from the influx of asian horror films

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